Easy living

Not. So. Much. This past year has been extremely intense (not bad, just pure madness) and I ended up with a crazy schedule and not much time for fun stuff. Even photography or tennis or any form of hobby/personal time must be somehow planned in advance and that conflicts badly with my unorganized/improvisational approach to most aspects of life đŸ™‚I …

Under the weather

I am the one usually making fun of the others falling more or less regularly to the seasonal flu. At most, I end up with a couple of days of some kind of cold and that’s it. NOT. THIS. TIME. This time it’s been a super-long-and-boring week of me stranded at home. At first is annoying, then you appreciate luxuries …

Disavventure digitali

Digital mishaps. In 2013, right in the middle of summer, my external hard drive failure caused the big *fatal* Aperture media library crash. Apart some wasted hours, I believed everything was back on track after restoring the library from a backup… till yesterday… when I realized I completely lost track of more than 3 months of pics from spring 2005. UGH. I …


This is some pink-ish sunset-ty header, isn’t it? It won’t last long in the home page, I promise! đŸ™‚ I finally made up my mind and gave this blog another try. It won’t be much more than a repository of pics that I like and that I would like to share. Enjoy! …and give feedback, please!